Learn A Little More About Our Company

ROPEWORK-UK is the result of a lifelong interest and increasing passion for making
rope “work.”
Ian Outram, founder of ROPEWORK-UK developed an interest in rope work whilst working in the Ships Riggers with the Fishermen of Fleetwood, Lancashire. For over 40 years his experience of creating RopeWork solutions to everyday challenges in work and play is based on his passion for preserving the heritage of RopeWork its materials and way of working.
Throughout this site you will find examples of the rope work solutions available for play, leisure, home & garden and commercial use . More than just an art form each Ropework solution demonstrates inventiveness and innovation in using Ropework creatively for you to enjoy. ROPEWORK-UK has supplied products throughout the UK, EU & various countries around the world to clients such as ;- Whipsnade Wild Animal Park , Blenheim Palace, Chatsworth House, LegoLand Windsor, Oberhausen retail & leisure complex (Essen Germany) as well as countless play parks & indoor fun centres across the Uk, via manufacuturers, PlayQuest Ltd, MonkeyBusiness, Hope Adventure Play, The play Co. Adventure Concepts Ltd & Playspace Ltd .

“Organisations such as local authorities, The Scout movement & holiday parks such as Centre Parks & PGL activity camps have also benefitted from ROPREWORK-UK and its various products & solutions. ROPEWORK-UK also Supplies HM Armed forces throughout the UK with its assault course & fitness requirements for rope based products . The Film, Theatre & Television industries are also valued consumers of bespoke products made to order by ROPEWORK-UK”
From the fascinatingly named “monkey fist” door stop to the garden play frame “scramble net” or adventure course “Burma bridge” you can see how ROPEWORK-UK uses traditional rope work methods & craftsmanship to creatively solve problems for all ages.
Now based in the rural idyll of Kings Meaburn, Cumbria ROPEWORK-UK is a much about sustainability and being environmentally friendly whilst providing an aesthetically pleasing product to suit your individual needs.
ROPEWORK-UK, creating Ropework for you to enjoy.